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About Us

We are a team of wellness seekers and practitioners, working passionately and delivering the best wellness experience which is a blend of ayurveda, yoga, meditation, spirituality to enhance your holistic wellbeing and take back the essence of it with you.we offer a range of yoga training programs, ailment prevention and well-being programs exclusively designed and delivered by experts. our vision is to make traditional practices easily available to wellness seekers and enthusiasts from across the globe.


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Wellness Retreats

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Its Never Too Early Or Too Late To Work Towards Being Healthiest You….

Meet our Teachers & Ayurveda Doctors


Foteini Dimitriou
Passionate Yoga Teacher and writer of Yoga and folktales
  • She was born in Athens and at an early age, she discovered her true love for yoga.
    she originally studied a 200hr Hatha Yoga teacher training course ( Heiron Kentavros )- ( 2007 – 2008),then a 100hr Anusara Yoga training course with Todd Tessen, Sianna Sherman, Naime Jezzeny, Sue Elkind and Douglas Brooks. She continued with a 300hr Yoga teacher training, Vedansha, Rishikesh, India. Attended several seminars at many yoga schools in order to gain more experience.
  • Her love for kids motivated her to study 300hr Diploma-Yogakids International U.S.A. and 320hr Specialization Rainbow Yoga Teacher Training- Tuscan, Italy. (Yoga for kids, conception, pregnancy, post natal, babies, adults, family, menstruation, therapy, seniors and partners). Since then, she has been teaching yoga to adults and kids, at schools, yoga studios, and holistic centers.
  • She is teaching international, Yoga Teacher training courses (200hr and 95hr Yoga kids) certified by Yoga Alliance U.S.A. and Yoga Professionals UK.
  • In January 2014 she founded Yoga Family Violet Alignment system. In 2015, her first collection of folktales “Yoga and folktales” was published by the Academy of poetry and folktales in Athens, Greece.


Vinit Tolani
Certified Yoga instructor from SVYASA University, Bangalore.
  • Certified Yoga Instructor with Cult for a tenure of two years.
  • Conducted over 1100+ sessions with cult, catering to 40-45 members in each session.
  • Conducted over 500+ online sessions.
  • Specializing in four formats namely, Hatha yoga, Core yoga Power yoga and Relax yoga.
  • Conducted over 300+ Hatha yoga sessions.
  • Conducted over 400+ Core yoga sessions.
  • Conducted over 300+ Power yoga sessions.
  • Conducted over 100+ Relax yoga sessions.
Sonaal Puria
Teaches: Sanskrit, Hatha Yoga, Dynamic Vinyasa, Pranayama, Mantra, Philosophy
  • Bound to Himachal Pradesh, popularly known as the ‘Land of Mahadev / Shiva’ spirituality was always a part of Sonaal’s life. From an early age, he was more into physical sports and the physical side of Yoga. His Father taught him Sanskrit (the language of Yoga) and Pranayama. Since his Father comes from Air force background, he had been traveling with his family around India since his childhood, and that made him very much familiar from the diverse side of India, learning different cultures and their philosophy became a part of his life.
  • Leaving his career as a successful Lawyer, Sonaal moved to South to pursue his Yoga TTC from Art of Living Ashram. Sonaal has studied Sanskrit, traditional Hatha Yoga and built a solid foundation in Shatkarmas, Pranayama, Mantras, Mudras and Philosophy. He also did his training from the Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga(Certified by the Ministry of AYUSH) under the guidance of Bal Mukund who was one of the 3 main disciples of Dhirendra Brahmachari.
  • Sonaal believes in discipline and dedication and that’s how he leads his classes. His asana classes are intense but bring a lot of stability and focus. Being humorous in nature makes his theoretical philosophy classes quite interesting, with a blend of stories and a touch of humor, students leave his classes with big smiles on their faces.
  • He sees teaching as a service – to help people discover the knowledge of the physical body and the workings of the mind. You will see Sonaal in Hatha, Vinyasa, Shatkarma, Pranayama, Meditation and Philosophical classes. He will also mesmerize you with beautiful stories from Indian Culture and Mythology.
Yogini Khushboo
Teaches: Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Hatha, Yin, Pranayama, Asana Clinic, Meditation, Yoga Nidra
  • Khushboo comes from a Jain family (a religion living on the principles of “ahimsa” “non-violence”). She began her spiritual journey in early 2000 by learning various kinds of Meditations. But it was In 2014 when she decided to spread her knowledge to other people, her focus being more on the healing side she learned a lot of other healing modalities besides learning Yoga like Reflexology, Reiki, Art Therapy, Therapeutic Meditations and more. She loves to work as a Karma Yogi and Between 2014 and 2015 Khushboo lived in an Ashram of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar where she did Seva(Service for the welfare of others).
  • Khushboo is an ERYT500 through Yoga Alliance. Her expertise is in Ashtanga yoga, Vinyasa flow, Adjustments & alignments of asanas, Meditation and Yoga Nidra. Currently, with teaching, she is also doing her Masters in Mind and Psychoneurobics to understand the mind from a more scientific approach. And also doing her Research on Yoga Nidra and sleep analysis to go more in-depth.
    She believes there are people in the world who needs someone to show them the right path and if they can’t reach us then we should reach them and that’s how she decided to teach for Yoga TTC, to build teachers who just don’t learn about Yoga but also live it and spread more compassion and love in the World.
  • She brings a warm heart and openness to her practice and loves introducing people to the benefits of yoga and meditation. Her classes are gentle with uplifting music and minimalist demonstrations and maximum hands-on adjustments. She aims to live a yogic lifestyle and lead her classes in a way that reflects the choice.
  • You will learn Vinyasa flows, Ashtanga Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Adjustment & alignments of asana and Meditations from her.
Dr Pooja Sharma BAMS
Ayurvedic medical professional with experience in Rogi Rog Pariksha.

Pathya & Apathya Panchkarma Expert.

  • Dr. Pooja Sharma is an experienced Ayurvedic medical professional with BAMS degree from Jammu Institute of Ayurveda and Research (J&K). A distinction holder in Agadtantra (Toxicology) and Charak Samhita (Medicine), Dr. Pooja holds University Rank 4.
  • With a rich experience of 10+ years, she has a strong background in treating patients based on Ayurvedic Tridosha, diet management and Pathya- Aapathya Ayurvedic practice. Her clinical practice also includes providing online consultation to patients combating anxiety, depression, weight management.
  • Dr.Pooja has successfully cured hair problems, joint problems, skin diseases, PCOS, Thyroidism, Autism, Diabetes, piles etc. using Ayurvedic medicines, oil, concoctions and diet management. She has also conducted Panch karma treatment (Nasapana, Kati Basti, Griva Basti) to cure ailments like Autism, Facial Paralysis, Cervical spondylitis, Arthritis.

Over 14 years of experience in therapies, overall fitness, yoga exercises, pranayama, meditation, etc. Associated with many Corporates Like, Algol Marketing School, Gurgaon, Kotak Mahindra, Max Life, Avanta Powers, Wolters and Cluwers and many more… He has many satisfied Students from across the world.
He treats variety of illness and conditions to facilitate optimal health, healing and awakening. Some of the examples are:

  • Stress management.
  • Pain management.
  • Chronic anxiety.
  • Heart disease.
  • Diabetes.
  • Depression.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Breast cancer.
  • Eating disorders.
  • Low back pain.
  • Asthma.
  • Slip disc.
  • Back ache.
  • Obesity, etc.