(Call : +91-9818057236)

    Hair Loss prevention with Ayurveda

    INR 3999/- PER MONTH

    (Min 2 months package)

    In Ayurveda, the texture of your hair will depend the imbalances that you have in your constitution. Therefore, it is important for you to know the prakriti and balances/imbalances in your constitution to come up with a remedy.

    For example, If you display an imbalance in Vata dosha symptoms, your hair is susceptible to become excessively dry, frizzy and brittle. Normal vata hair is dry and brittle.
    If you display an imbalance in Pitta dosha symptoms, you are likely to have receding hairlines and a thinning texture in your hair. The heat in the scalp leads to colour changes. For instance, your hair might manifest a brownish tinge/shade, if it is not normally brown. This can lead to greying of hair and balding. Normal pitta hair is thin and can be brown.
    If you display imbalance in Kapha dosha symptoms, you are likely to have excessively oily and sticky hair. This can lead to blocks in the follicles of your scalp. This leads to hair fall. Normal kapha hair is thick.
    In every condition, there is a need to remove toxins from your system, whether you know the cause of it or not. So detoxification is of the essence.

    This Program has been designed to help men and women follow healthy practices in their pursuit of beauty and health. Beautiful hair and skin is a result of eating right, breathing right and using natural products on your hair and skin. You are sure to discover some Ayurvedic treatments for hair fall.

    Once you sign up, our counsellor will call you for a free consultation and understanding your goals, and arrange the best suitable time for the sessions, convenient to you!

      (Call : +91-9818057236)